Student Account FAQ

How and when do I get a bill?

All students will have access to a billing statement in your MyCap self-service part. Students will have the capability to allow other authorized users, such as parents, to access their eBill by providing a valid email address for each user. Fall semester statements will be available in mid to late July for traditional undergraduate, and in early August for all Law School and Graduate programs.

Can I access my Student Account online?

Yes, access to your student account is available through MyCap

You may also access your student account by clicking the link on the Student Accounts page on the Capital University website or via the eBill sent to your Capital email address.

What is billed on my Student Account?

Your initial Capital bill for each semester can include charges for tuition, fees, room, board and various course fees. Typically, course fees are for for Conservatory, Education or Nursing students. Please refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin for a listing of the course numbers that have course fees associated with them. Statements accessed throughout the semester can reflect miscellaneous charges from a number of different offices (parking tickets, Health Center fees, Library fines, etc.)

What do I do if my bill is not correct?

Please contact the Student Accounts Office at 614-236-6123 or by email at

Can I deduct the Federal Work Study from my balance due?

No. These funds are only earned as you work the hours, and are paid to you through direct deposit on the 10th and 25th of each month.

What are Capital’s payment options?

There are two payment options outside of using your financial aid and/or 529 funding.

  1. Payment in full by the tuition due date for each semester.
  2. Joining the Capital Payment Plan.
What methods of payment are accepted?

We accept cash and paper checks in the Student Accounts Office in Yochum Hall. Electronic payments (ACH), Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card payments can be submitted through ACI, which is accessed through a student’s MyCap login or student proxy.

Why did I receive a statement/notification when I’m on the Capital Payment Plan?

Statements/Notification are sent monthly to your email address throughout the academic year for your review. It is always important to review your charges and the aid that has been disbursed to make sure this is what you were expecting.

What if I have a credit balance?

If you do not want your credit balance left to cover a future semester’s charges, you must complete a refund request form. This form is available from the Student Accounts Office.

What if I want to change a meal plan assignment?

Meal plan changes can be made online through the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

Please note that changes must occur within the first two weeks of each semester.

When I have been assigned a work study job, what forms must I complete in order to be paid?

The forms needed are:

  1. Federal W-4 form
  2. State W-4 form
  3. Federal I-9.

In order to complete these forms, you will need the following:

  1. Your original Social Security card issued to you by the federal government or your birth certificate (or certified copy of your birth certificate)
  2. Your student I.D. card or a driver’s license.

If you have a U.S. passport, this would be the only document required. These forms can be completed, with the proper documents, in the Financial Aid Office.

Is there an ATM machine on campus?

There are no ATMs on campus.  However, you can visit any of the local banks within a mile, along East Main Street.

What is the charge for a returned check (NSF, closed account, etc.)?

All returned checks are assessed a $25.00 penalty fee to the student’s account.

Why do I have a Financial Hold on my account?

You may have an outstanding balance due on your account caused by either lack of payment or unfinished Financial Aid paperwork. All balances must be paid in full to clear your Financial Hold.

How do I change my address?

Student addresses are maintained by the Registrar’s Office. To update your permanent or local address, Please login to MyCap and change your email address in the profile section.

Please contact the Student Accounts Office at 614-236-6123 with any additional questions concerning your student account.